Email Marketing- Let’s Get Personal

Email marketing is a great direct-to-consumer distribution channel and is a very beneficial marketing tool if it is exploited correctly. Email marketing, and the analytics that accompany it, allow us to personalise email content, resulting in higher open rates, increased conversions, and more efficient selling. At present, my company uses MailChimp to create email-marketing campaigns. … Continue reading Email Marketing- Let’s Get Personal

The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media for Businesses

‘In this age of network-enhanced word of mouth communications and interconnection of consumers through social networking, media has become a catch all label for various activities that integrate technology, facilitate social interaction and provide channels to connect conversations to consumers.’ (Dahlen, 2010) In today’s world, social networking is the most popular online activity with 91% … Continue reading The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media for Businesses